
Gelwicks Park

Located at

4721 Walnut Avenue
Downers Grove, IL


Gelwicks Park will be dedicated in 2023 and will encompass what was previously known as Walnut Park, Burlington & Walnut Park, Belmont Prairie and the buffer. Gelwicks Park is an undeveloped park site located on Walnut Avenue just south of Ogden Avenue to Burlington Avenue.

At the north end of Gelwicks Park, visitors can enjoy an athletic field, small pavilion and mowed paths. Located along Walnut Avenue, the north end of this site also contains a gravel parking lot that can be used by patrons wishing to visit the Belmont Prairie Buffer. Pathways located on the Walnut Avenue site connect to the mowed paths within the Buffer property, which also lead to pathways within Belmont Prairie. Learn more about the Belmont Prairie at Gelwicks Park.

On the south end of the park, an additional 4.8 acres features scattered with mature coniferous and deciduous trees adding visual interest, and has a few large open lawn areas where two former houses once stood. The site is fairly secluded due to its location adjacent to the Prairie Buffer. As a result, the property is frequently used by dog walkers and those looking for a quiet spot to enjoy lunch.


Dawn to Dusk


  • Natural Area
  • Picnic Shelter
  • Picnic Tables
  • Soccer Field
  • Walking Trail
  • Wildlife Observation

Upcoming Improvements/Construction




The Downers Grove Park District has begun work on a long-term master plan for Gelwicks Park. Previously known as Walnut Park and Burlington and Walnut Park, Gelwicks Park features 19.6 acres of land on Walnut Avenue just south of Ogden Avenue and an additional 4.8 acres located on the corner of Burlington and Walnut Avenues. The two parcels are connected by the Belmont Prairie buffer.

Community input is a vital component in developing new recreation amenities to meet the current and future needs and desires of residents living in Downers Grove. Therefore, the Park District conducted a community-wide survey from Dec. 9 to 23, 2020, to gauge the interest of specific amenities as we begin this process.

Downers Grove Park District Executive Director, Bill McAdam, is excited for the District to establish a long-term vision for the Gelwicks Park property.

“Community engagement in the planning process for Gelwicks Park is essential in developing a site that meets the needs of Downers Grove residents. This survey will help guide us through the master planning process as we envision the recreation opportunities this premier destination could provide for residents," said McAdam.