Downers Grove Park District is a local government providing parks and recreation programs to District residents.

Mission of the Downers Grove Park District:
Enriching our community through natural area preservation and exceptional recreation, parks, and facilities that inspire memorable experiences.

The Operating Expenses of the Downers Grove Park District for FY 2025 is $15,017,210. The budget for Capital Projects is $2,832,000. The District's Debt Service is budgeted for $1,897,467.

The District employs over 450 full, part-time and seasonal employees.

The Park Board of Commissioners consists of five members: Cathy Mahoney, President; Sandra McDonnell, Vice President; Jon Dahlstrom, Treasurer; Bob Katula, Secretary; and Bret Bender, Commissioner.

Requests for documents, in accordance with the State of Illinois Freedom of Information Act (5ILCS 140), must be submitted in writing and directed to the Freedom of Information Officer at the following address: "Freedom of Information Officer, 2455 Warrenville Road, Downers Grove, IL 60515 - Attn: FOIA Officer (Adine Wrzesinski) - FOIA Request".

Email your requests or contact 630.960.7253.

The District may require a fee for producing copies of requested documents at a rate of 15 cents, per page copied, (after the first 50 pages regular size and black & white), in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act (5ILCS 140/6). (Odd size documents and color copies will be charged accordingly.)


FOIA is the Illinois Freedom of Information Act, under the Illinois Freedom of Information at (5 ILCS 140/1 et. Seq.) Records in possession of public agencies may be accessed by the public upon written request.

The following are documents available on the District website which you may download (no FOIA request required):

Pursuant to Section 5 of FOIA, the District maintains a reasonably current list of all types or categories of records under its control. The types and categories of records are as follows:

  • Meeting Packets
  • Ordinances
  • Resolutions
  • Policies
  • Correspondence
  • Press Releases
  • Payroll Records
  • Accounting Records
  • Grants
  • Staff Reports
  • Election Information
  • Insurance Documents
  • Asset Records

How can I submit a FOIA request?

The Downers Grove Park District has a form that may be completed. Click here to access this form. Requests should state the information being sought under the Freedom of Information Act. Provide a brief description of the public records requested, being as specific as possible. While responses can be provided via email, please provide a mailing address and phone number.

Submit a FOIA request in writing either by mail or email.

Freedom of Information Officer (Adine Wrzesinski)
Downers Grove Park District
2455 Warrenville Road
Downers Grove, IL 60515
ATTN: FOIA Request


What happens after I submit a request?

The Illinois Freedom of Information Act requires agencies to respond in five business days after receipt of a request. A five -day extension is allowed with written notification to the requester.

If the requested records are 50 pages, or less in length, the pages will be copied (regular size and black & white) and the requester will be called regarding when the documents are ready to be picked up. (If the documents are mailed, the postage will need to be reimbursed before the documents would be mailed to requester.) If the records exceed 50 pages, the requester will be informed of the duplication cost before copied.

What are the costs for duplication?

  • No Charge for paper copy from paper or electronic source (50 pages or less) (Regular size / black & white) (Color copies and odd size documents will be charged accordingly.)
  • $.15 per page for paper copy from paper or electronic source (51 pages or more) (Color copies and odd size documents will be charged accordingly.)
  • Copy of audio or video material will be charged the cost of media