
Concord Square Park

Located at

Springside & Concord
Downers Grove, IL


The property that is now Concord Square was first acquired by the Village of Downers Grove from Miller Builders and Gallagher & Henry. Its intended use was for park and/or school purposes, and as such, the property was conveyed to the Downers Grove Park District in April, 1978. In addition, the park is flanked on the north and east sides by an 80 foot wide NICOR Gas easement, which is currently maintained by the Park District and provides approximately 3 acres of additional open space immediately adjacent to the park.

Located in southwest Downers Grove, Concord Square provides a variety of recreational activities for the neighboring residents and the community at large. A large, dry-bottom detention basin along Springside Avenue is heavily utilized for soccer practice and games. In addition, several other amenities are located in the park including a playground, and a recently resurfaced basketball court perched at the top of a large hill overlooking the detention basin.

Concord Square


Dawn to Dusk


  • Basketball Court
  • Drinking Fountain
  • Picnic Tables
  • Playground
  • Sled Hill
  • Soccer Field
  • 10.3 Acres

Upcoming Improvements/Construction

No improvements are currently planned for the upcoming construction season.