
Ned Bell Park

Located at

1216 63rd Street
Downers Grove, IL


In 1990, the Park District purchased 2.9 acres of land located at the northwest corner of 63rd Street and Brookbank Road, but it remained undeveloped for several years. In 1996, DuPage County's Department of Environmental Concerns entered into an agreement with the Park District to use this site as a stormwater management location. In addition to this, they agreed to construct a soccer field within the new detention basin. In 2001, an irrigation system was added to help maintain the field. Since its completion, the site has hosted many soccer games for Downers Grove residents and practices for the High School teams.

Located a few blocks from Downers Grove South High School, this small park offers amenities to both high school students and residents alike. A full size soccer field allows users to enjoy playing on their own or watching youth leagues on weekends. Limited on-street parking (16 spaces) is available along Brookbank Road to accommodate soccer games and practices.

Ned Bell Park

Rent a Sports Field


Dawn to Dusk


  • Drinking Fountain
  • Soccer Field
  • 2.9 Acres

Upcoming Improvements/Construction

No improvements are currently planned for the upcoming construction season.