Leash Policy Reminder

As the weather begins to warm up and the parks receive an increase in foot traffic, we would like to remind patrons to clean up after pets and keep them on a leash not more than six (6') feet in length when visiting the parks.

Downers Grove Park District Leash Policy:

"No animal shall be allowed to run unrestrained anywhere upon any park property. No animal is allowed upon park property unless said animal is securely fastened and restrained by a leash not more than six (6') feet in length. No animal other than a Service Animal shall be permitted to enter upon or remain upon any area of a park utilized as an athletic field, children's play area, or posted to prohibit animals. An animal found loose upon District Property may be apprehended and removed to an animal shelter, public pound or other place available for said purposes, and impounded at the expense of the animal's Owner."