2025-2026 school year REGISTRATION Information
All information posted here is in reference to the 2025-2026 school year. For information about enrolling in the current school year, please contact Anna Fontanetta (afontanetta@dgparks.org).
If you've never registered for park district programs, create an account to register for programs online. Click the 'Register Online' button to get started! If you have a child in our preschool program now and need help obtaining your username and/or password, please email our Registration Staff for assistance.
Priority Registration Process
9:00am January 14-27: Currently enrolled preschool students (2024-2025 school year) and their siblings can enroll in the lottery online
- Choose your #1 preferred class day/time, and add it to your cart
- As you continue through the enrollment checkout process, you will have the option of listing a 2nd choice, and even a 3rd choice
- Pay a non-refundable $125 Enrollment Fee to complete the process
- When the lottery is spun, the system will enroll students in a randomly assigned order. When it is "your turn", the system will attempt to enroll you in your first choice. If that class is already full, it will move on to try enrolling you in your 2nd choice, if you selected a 2nd choice, and so on. If you don't have a 2nd/3rd choice, or your alternate choice(s) are full, you'll be added to the waitlist for your 1st choice.
Please note: if you absolutely do not want or cannot attend any class day/time other than your first choice, please do not select 2nd or 3rd choices.
January 29: Lottery results will be shared via email by 4:00pm
January 31 - February 10: Currently enrolled preschool students (2024-2025 school year) and their siblings may request transfers (fee applies), enroll in classes/waitlists with open spots, and enroll in Add-On Classes before enrollment is opened to new students/families.
Open enrollment is available to new students/families, students/families that attend the program in years prior to the current school year, and returning students who did not enroll during the priority registration/lottery period.
FEBRUARY 11, 9:00AM - Resident open enrollment begins
FEBRUARY 18, 9:00AM - Non-Resident open enrollment begins
- Enroll online at dgparks.org using the class # for your desired class days and time
- Pay a non-refundable $150 Enrollment Fee to complete the process
- If your preferred class day/time is full, you may enroll your child on the waitlist. The $150 Enrollment Fee must be paid for waitlist registrations
Tuition can either be paid in full or divided into 8 equal payments to be automatically billed on the 15th of the month, from August-April (no bill collected in December). You will be emailed in July with additional information.
If you currently live outside of Downers Grove Park District boundaries but expect to move within Park District boundaries by September 1, 2025, proof of residency will be required prior to your first preschool tuition payment.
Unincorporated households
Families residing outside of Park District boundaries, but within Downers Grove School District 58 boundaries, will receive the resident rate for Preschool and may register during resident open enrollment.
Potty Training is not part of our curriculum. Our potty training requirements/policies are outlined below.
For all programs:
- Staff are not permitted to change diapers/training pants or assist with direct toileting needs (undressing, wiping, placing on toilet, etc.).
- Staff will monitor restroom usage and assist with hand washing, provide verbal coaching, etc.
- Staff will ask the class if anyone needs to use the bathroom frequently throughout the day, and students are always encouraged to tell staff if they need to use the bathroom.
- Staff are not to be expected to adhere to a student's personal potty training schedule (i.e. staff cannot leave the classroom every 30 minutes to have your child try to potty).
- Appropriately sized toilets are available; participants are not permitted to bring in portable toilets.
3- and 4/5-year-old Preschoolers
All participants must be fully bathroom independent prior to the first day of class, and require no assistance from staff for any toileting needs. Bathroom independence includes the ability of a child to do all of the following:
- Recognize the urge to use the bathroom
- Clearly communicate to any staff member present that they need to go potty. They must be able to say the words “I have to go (potty/pee/poop)”
- Pull down their pants and underwear and get them back up without assistance
- Wipe themselves after using the toilet, including after a bowel movement
- Get on and off the potty by themselves. Toilets in the preschool wings and the first floor of the Lincoln Center are of an appropriate size/height, and additional step stools are available if needed
2-year-old Preschoolers & Little Explorers
Diapers/training pants (Pull-Ups) are allowed for students in the 2-year-old program and/or Little Explorers early childhood classes, but please note that staff cannot change soiled diapers/training pants; a parent/trusted adult must be available if needed.
Other Important Registration Information
- Siblings enrolling during priority registration must reside in the same household; you may be asked to provide proof of residency
- Registered students will receive their classroom and teacher assignments in August, as well as information regarding a Parent Orientation/Meet The Teachers event
- If a class transfer is requested after classroom assignments have been made, a $25 transfer fee will be assessed if your request is able to be granted
- All classroom and teacher assignments are random