2025 Park & Facility Improvement Projects

Each year, the Downers Grove Park District allocates capital funds for park and facility improvement projects as part of the annual budgeting process. The following is a list of capital projects budgeted for FY2025.

2025 Projects

Fishel Park – Playground Renovation: The existing playground equipment at Fishel Park was installed in 2005 and is now 20 years old.  Given the frequent use of this park for special events such as the Summer Concert Series, as well as its role as a neighborhood park, this playground is heavily used and is nearing the end of its useful life.  As part of the renovation project, the existing mulch play surfacing will be replaced with new synthetic turf grass safety surfacing, and the existing pre-cast block playground edge will be replaced with a more permanent concrete curb similar to other Park District playgrounds.

Prince Pond – Playground Renovation: The existing playground at Prince Pond was installed in 2002 and is now 23 years old. Periodic replacement of play equipment is recommended in an effort to meet current Consumer Product Safety Commission playground safety guidelines and Americans with Disabilities Act regulations. As part of this project, the existing retaining wall south of the playground will be reconstructed, and the existing pre-cast block playground edge will be replaced with a concrete curb.

Sterling & Davis Park – Playground Renovation: The existing play equipment at Sterling & Davis Park was installed in 1999, and is now 26 years old. As part of the playground renovation, the existing wood mulch playground surfacing will be removed and replaced with new synthetic turf grass safety surfacing.

Administration Office – Roof Resurfacing: The roof on the Park District Administration Office building is believed to have been replaced when the building was renovated in 1996.  The current roof material is a black EPDM rubber membrane with gravel coating. Recently, repairs have been needed to prevent leaks as it is nearing the end of its useful life. This year, the roof will be coated with a liquid-applied membrane that will extend the life of the exiting roof. The product application includes a 12-year warranty and maintenance contract, including annual inspections and repairs as needed.

Wandschneider Park (Museum) – Parking Lot & Driveway Renovation: The east parking lot at the Museum was last renovated in 2005. The existing asphalt surface was rated “poor” condition in the 2024 Parking Lot Pavement Assessment, with significant cracking and potholes throughout. The existing surface will be removed and replaced with new asphalt pavement, and the accessible parking stall will be adjusted to meet ADA slope requirements.

Lyman Woods – Boardwalk Replacement: The existing 180-foot long boardwalk located on the east side of Lyman Woods was constructed in 2006, and is nearing the end of its useful life. Due to periodic flooding, the boardwalk's deck framing has been inundated frequently, increasing its deterioration. Additionally, the boardwalk is currently 5 feet wide, which limits the types of maintenance equipment that can cross it to reach other parts of the preserve. The new boardwalk will be 6 feet wide, in order to provide greater flexibility for equipment access and assist with site maintenance efforts.

Lyman Woods Master Plan: In 2025 the Park District will be hiring a consultant to complete an environmental assessment of Lyman Woods and make recommendations regarding future land use, management and protection of the site. The previous Master Plan was completed in 1999, and several major projects discussed in that Plan have now been completed. This new plan will guide the District’s restoration efforts and assist with prioritizing future projects at Lyman Woods.

Belmont Golf Club – Irrigation Replacement: Starting in October 2025, a new irrigation system will be installed throughout the 9-hole Belmont Golf Club, including a new pump station and pump house adjacent to the existing irrigation pond. Work is anticipated to be complete by late December 2025.

ADA Improvements: The FY2025 budget includes funds allocated for accessibility improvements within our existing parks and facilities, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. In 2025, approximately $100,000 is budgeted for correcting deficiencies at various locations as identified in the District's ADA Transition Plan.

Additional Facility Improvements:

  • Recreation & Fitness Center – Hallway and Lower Level Carpet Replacement
  • Lincoln Center – 3rd Floor Carpet & Tile Replacement
  • Lincoln Center – 3rd Floor Restroom Renovation
  • Lincoln Center – Room 404 Ceiling Tile Replacement
  • Montrew Dunham History Center (Museum) – HVAC Replacement